Levels of Distinction

Board Certified Psychotherapist




( 50 hrs  total)

35  additional

50   additional

65 additional

Within 2 years  (Basic)

( Total 85 hrs)    Within 4 years

(Total  135)        Within  6 years

( Total   200)    unlimited period

  • CEU hours must be from those certified by the American College of Psychotherapy.
  • Special consideration will be available for those who are disabled or disadvantaged due to distance and lack of availability due to locale.
  • Membership in the American College of Psychotherapy is required.
  • Testing is required for “Board Certification” and for “Specialist” while maintaining membership in the American College of Psychotherapy.
  • Recertification every seven years required by update testing over identified course material.

While this may sound rigorous, much of it will typically be part of your own license renewal process. Becoming an American Board Certified Psychotherapist, does require successful completion of testing for credentialing, as we are not a “vanity” board or organization but one designed to acknowledge you for the mastery of information and skills regarding your professional career.

Remember that you will have already paid for the CEU’s for professional development or licensure, so why not get additional credentialing without additional CEU expense.

We can assure you, like most, that you will find this path of professional development makes a substantial difference in the success of your practice, the development of your professional skills, and your own personal growth and satisfaction.




set up your account – $85


the CEUs by approved providers



for certification


Test & Achieve

Pass a comprehensive test (Fee $150)
and pursue achievement